Muffin madness

I don’t know about you but I love muffins at just about any time of day. With so many varieties and combinations the possibilities range from sweet, savory, healthy, to downright decadent (my personal favorite). So this is my first but very surely not last muffin recipe. For this first post I chose to go with blueberry. Below is the recipe and directions, so break out the berries and get baking!!


Makes 6 muffins

One and a half cups all purpose flour

One quarter cup sugar

Half a teaspoon of kosher salt

One quarter teaspoon baking soda

One teaspoon baking powder

Four tablespoons butter cut into quarter inch cubes and softened

An eighth of a teaspoon nutmeg

A quarter cup milk (any kind)

A quarter cup heavy cream

One egg

One teaspoon vanilla extract

One and a quarter cup fresh blueberries


Rinse berries and preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Take a six cup cupcake tin and place a cup in each mold. Combine flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and soda, nutmeg, and butter into a mixer with the paddle attachment on. Mix on low until mixture is mealy in texture. Add milk, egg, vanilla extract, and heavy cream. Mix until batter becomes thick in consistency. Drop around one ounce of batter into the bottom of each cup. Add berries to the batter mix well and fill each cup equally. Place in oven for twenty five minutes or until done. When fully baked and golden brown on top they are ready. Remove from oven and allow to cool before serving.


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